Podcasts – The Loop

The Loop is a Journalism Value project podcast, brought to you by Reference. We are interviewing the members of our network about key challenges for them, ranging from funding and business models, to community engagement and organisational structures, as we explore what success and sustainability looks like for European independent media today.

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 14 October 3, 2024

Fumaça’s Ricardo Esteves Ribeiro on radical transparency and horizontal decision-making

Audience decision-making Fundraising Sustainability

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 12 September 2, 2024

Deník Referendum’s Zuzana Vlasatá and Jakub Patočka on monetising impactful stories

Audience Impact SLAPPs Team

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 11 August 30, 2024

IrpiMedia’s director Cecilia Anesi on how to handle growth

Business Growth Impact SLAPPs

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 10 July 29, 2024

Investigate Europe’s Executive Director Peter Matjašič on working with a remote and culturally different team

Business Cross-border decision-making Team

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 9 July 29, 2024

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism editor Franz Wild on leadership resilience and impact

Audience Growth Impact SLAPPs

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 8 July 29, 2024

Mensagem de Lisboa editor-in-chief Catarina Carvalho on independence and community engagement

Audience Community Donations local journalism

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 7 July 29, 2024

The Bristol Cable operations ninja Will Franklin on membership and sociocracy

Audience Community decision-making Team

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 6 July 29, 2024

Átlátszó’s Tamás Bodoky on managing an investigative newsroom that focuses on local stories

Community Donations Impact Team

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 5 July 29, 2024

Dublin Inquirer deputy editor Sam Tranum on local engagement

Community Fundraising Growth Subscriptions

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 4 July 29, 2024

Divergente co-founders Diogo Cardoso and Sofia da Palma Rodrigues on how to grow and diversify

Business Fundraising Independence Team

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 3 July 29, 2024

Apache operational manager Bram Souffreau on community revenue

Community Growth SLAPPs Subscriptions

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 2 July 29, 2024

Direkt36 journalist Szabolcs Panyi on working under surveillance

Cross-border Independence Security Surveillance

Podcasts - The Loop Episode 1 July 29, 2024

Zoltán Sipos on jumping the fence and breaking the progressive bubble

Audience Fundraising Security Team